Brant Cortright, Ph.D., has written four books, two #1 international Amazon bestsellers: Functional Psychology for Anxiety, Depression, and Cognitive Decline as well as The Neurogenesis Diet and Lifestyle.
Additionally, he is also the author of two books on psychotherapy: Integral Psychology: Yoga, Growth and Opening the Heart (SUNY Press) and Psychotherapy and Spirit (SUNY Press.)
Functional Psychology for Anxiety, Depression, and Cognitive Decline
Healthy vitality and mental sharpness are everyone’s birthright.
Yet this world wounds everyone born into it, through neurotoxins and emotional scars and traumas.
The result is that virtually everyone operates below capacity, often far below. Weakened brain function and a fragile sense of self have become the norm. There are common neural mechanisms underlying anxiety, depression, and cognitive decline but very different psychological processes.
Achieving radiant brain health, robust emotional resilience and vital well-being, cognitive enhancement, and spiritual deepening takes place when we discover the hidden keys.
About the book
Rates of anxiety, depression, and cognitive decline are higher than ever and climbing rapidly. Conventional treatments are failing to stop this escalating mental health crisis. Why is this happening now?
This book weaves together the newest research in neuroscience, nutrition, and psychology to reveal the complex causes of this “perfect storm”. And to show the way out.
Anxiety, depression, and cognitive decline are symptoms of a brain and self under assault.
All three are lifestyle disorders.
It’s a more dangerous environment for the brain than ever before, and this is the first guidebook that shows, step-by-step, how to navigate the neurotoxic minefield of daily life.
Not just to heal but to achieve peak brain performance – mental sharpness and a life of joy, vitality, and stability in these turbulent times.
This book brings together the fields of health and psychology. It’s the most comprehensive program yet developed to repair and strengthen the brain and self so you can flourish at a level your ancestors could only dream of.
The Neurogenesis Diet and Lifestyle
About the book
#1 Bestseller in Nonfiction, Neuroscience, Holistic Health, Fitness and Dieting
#1 Bestseller in 6 countries and 4 continents
The Neurogenesis Diet and Lifestyle is a new approach to brain health that brings together the latest neuroscience research and nutritional information.
A Paradigm Shift in Brain Health and Aging
Only recently has it been discovered that not only does the brain make new connections throughout our lives (neuroplasticity), but it produces new brain cells throughout our entire lives, a process called neurogenesis. Your rate of neurogenesis and neuroplasticity is the most important biomarker for brain health you’ve never heard of. This neurogenic rate has a profound influence on every aspect of life.
When the rate of neurogenesis and neuroplasticity are low, we see cognitive decline and memory problems, anxiety and stress, depression, and lowered immunity. Life is difficult.
With high rates of neurogenesis and neuroplasticity we see the opposite: cognitive enhancement, rapid learning, robust emotional resilience and protections against anxiety, stress, and depression. We flourish.
The Neurogenesis Diet and Lifestyle is the first book to systematically show how to increase your neurogenic rate to unleash your brain’s potential. It presents pioneering research scattered in obscure scientific journals to offer a helpful, simple approach to radically improve your brain health at any age.